

5 Jun 2012

A very important decision....

I feel like I am now in a situation shown in the pictures below

Pic 1

Pic 2

I start off in a very well protected and happy place where I am loved and content BUT you know that you can't be like this forever because you will have no future, you want to have accomplished something in life rather than being protected all the time. What if one day the people that care for you can't care for you no more or leave you??.
So I have made a decision to search for more because I got no choice if I want a better future.

Like in picture one, you see a beautiful castle ahead but you first have to go through a dark and creepy forest ALONE to get there. You hope that in the castle you will find a pot of gold to bring back to the village and you are the only one to do it.
This is very difficult for a person that is so reliant on people and so use to having so much support in life.
But is this really the best choice?? what if I've given up everything and gone through all the effort to reach a haunted castle instead???? (hahah sorry its a bit extreme). What if the people I leave behind will never come back to me???
I know the journey in the forest will be one that I'll hate to walk alone and who knows I may even be attacked by cockroaches/spiders from the drains and not get to the castle.Even thinking about it makes me scared.

Please wish me good luck.......

PS. I will bring a spider catcher with me, at least its one less thing to worry about

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