

19 Jun 2012

My scabies nightmare not open if sensitive to pictures with rashes/spots. How to treat scabies tip

Disturbing images, if you are quite sensitive with pictures that have spots/rashes, please do not scroll down.

I have been super busy lately because I have been attacked by mites which  I have caught on the plane a few weeks ago.So please for those people travelling I would advise staying away from those blankets.
After having almost a week of scabies I have learnt a lot more about it (via research and doctors), and thought I will share my experience and give out any tips that I think is useful. Please consider that it took alot of courage to post these pics online.

If you don't like reading long text please skip to bottom of blog entry to read tips that I would give to treat scabies.

what is it?: In basic terms it is a condition where mites burrow into the skin and lay eggs. and the itchiness is the allergic reaction from it. The mites from the eggs will mature and lay more eggs etc etc and no! a hot bath will not kill it. It can only be cured if it is diagnosed and given the right treatment as soon as possible before it becomes serious and leaves more scars .

   1ST DAY
ok so here it goes:
1) Firstly how to identify it?  for me it appeared really lumpy at first and it took about 3 weeks before symptoms started to appear (after exposed to the mites). It was super itchy and I thought I had chicken pox because spots started to appear on the soles of my feet and my palm which was unusual.The spots were lumpy and blistery (with transparent pus in it when you squeeze the spots).

2) During the night, I started to itch soooo badly (I can't describe how badly I was itching) It was so bad that  I could not sleep AT ALL! The worse area was the sole of my feet which I itched like crazy but didn't feel any relieve. So next day I went to the doctors to get some help as it was impossible to live. But I have read online that scabies are worse during the night and after a hot bath when your body temperature is slightly warm (it is when mites are active). 


In the morning it looked like this:

As you can see, the spots have turned pinkish. The doctor didn't know what it was so gave me hydro cortisone and no of course it didn't work because it wasn't the right treatment so again I didn't sleep at all the next night because of the itchiness. It is actually blistery with little white sacs in the middles of the pink spots. I have use some E45 Lotion like crazy and occasionally washed my feet in COLD water to help the itch.


I again went to the doctors because the itchiness is so unbearable and the spots have gone to my thighs. And finally was diagnosed with scabies and she has given me 30ml tubes of Lyclear dermal cream (Permethrin 5%.) which i will post picture below. Please remember to ask the doctor to give you enough treatment for all your family members (and boyfriend) and enough for two treatments EACH. this is very important because you don't want to be reinfected.
My tip: take anti-histamine too so that it will knock you out at night and relieve a lil bit of itching, the ones my doctor prescribed me made me really drowsy.
The pharmacy didn't have enough of this medicine so I only got one tube and applied it myself because I was so itchy, but you should really apply it at the same time as all family members.


Drowsy anti-histamine

My thigh-new spots

4TH Day (1st day of treatment)

You MUST change your bed covers after your first treatment because all the dead mites and eggs will be on your bed

I have finally slept but very limited. I would say that the itch has calmed down slightly on the soles of my feet but I started to get new spots which were horrendously itchy. I have then told all my family members to apply and applied some more again to myself (which i think i shouldn't do because I read online that it is normal to itch even more for a few days when you have done your first treatment and the itch will last for a few more weeks). I have applied the cream from neck downwards to my toes and yes apply absolutely everywhere and left it for at least 8 hours. (depending on treatment i did 12).
reapply on hands after you go to toilet and wash hands.
I have also done a big clean up of my room and even sprayed my bed with detox to kill mites just incase. 
Wash all clothes that you have been wearing at high temperature (suggested 50 degrees or above also suggested to dry clean and iron)  although it is said that mites will die after 24 hours if it isn't on humans.
Just some advice, the colour may fade/run if clothes are washed at high temperature.

Yes I know this is a hectic process but it is better to get it right first time than to get reinfected and to do this again.

5TH DAY (2nd day of treatment)

Itch once again better, but still itchy so I have used some 'Aqueous Calamine cream' to soothe it.... but I think it isn't so effective.At this process I have already noticed that the texture of my skin is quite dry. This is caused by the treatment so instead I have applied E45 to relieve a bit of itch and to prevent further damage to my skin. Its not so pink now.

6TH DAY  (3nd day of treatment)

 I was worried about scars at this point because i read online that scabies will leave scars. to prevent it i have been using palmer's cocoa butter formula'. It is said that Derma is quite good and anything containing Vitamin E or Aloe Vera. This time I have noticed a even bigger difference to the colour. It is still mildly itchy as you could tell from my scratch marks over night. try not to itch to prevent scars (not possible i tell you).

7TH DAY  (4nd day of treatment)
Apart from Cocoa butter, E45 and the anti histamine I haven't been using anything else.
actuallly try Eurax cream to stop itching ( I think it works but very very short while)

8TH DAY  (5th day of treatment)

Itchiness again improved, spots almost all gone

9TH (6TH day of treatment)

Ok I went to the doctors with my mum because she needed to see the doctor and aso asked her about a itchy lump behind my ears. The doctor said that it could be really active scabies and that although the package says that you do not apply this cream on your face and scalp I really should.
I think at this point my mum has noticed she has got signs of it too.
So please note here that you should ask your doctor if you should treat it behind you ears, scalp and face.

Today: Alot better and no itching at all


Almost there

Diagnose: Small red dots , some with blisters. mostly will start on the soles of the feet and palms of hands/                     fingers and toes.extremely itchy and gets worse overtime really quickly. (i didn't have spots on                       my face though)

1) Ask your doctor for enough treatment for two treatments (do second treatment after a week) and also have enough treatment for all family members and close contacts and ask the doctor  if you need to apply the treatment behind your eyes, scalp and face (it will say on the package not to apply but please ask)
Also ask the doctor for anti Histamine which will help you sleep and relief a lil itch.
2) Apply with all family members at the SAME TIME so you won't reinfect each other.*Just a note* try to avoid too much skin to skin contact because mites do transfer.
3) apply the treament absolutely everywhere i.e. arm pits and for guys their private areas too.
3) leave on at least the time instructed on the package of treatment i.e. leave on at least 12hours
4) If you wash your hands re-apply treatment
5) *IMPORTANT* wash your bedding and clothes, especially after your treatment as dead mites/eggs will be on it
6) recommend a hot wash of at least 50 degrees and iron and tumble dry (bedding and clothing of course)
7) Mites will die after a few days if not on human skin so keep your unworn clothes away (in plastic bag maybe)
8) moisturise your skin that is dried from the treatment (I use E45 to relieve itch)
9) to relieve itch you could use: E45 (recommended) ,Calamine cream or Eurax cream ( which i think is quite good for a little while) and wash in cool water.
10) To minimise scars after treatment you could use: palmer's cocoa butter formula or aloe vera or products containing vit E
11) see the doctor again after your second treatment.

People say that it is unlikely to be reinfected again by scabies again. I wish you all good luck because this is one of the most irritating experiences ever.

I have called the travelling company and complained about my experience. Hopefully in future noone would be in the same boat as me.

For those of you that are interested in the post scabies scaring. below shows a pic of my feet after 6months. As mentioned, to help with the scaring I have used only the Palmers Cocoa butter on a regular basis and nothing else. It is also known that regular exfoliating will help speed up the process but I didn't in this case. Although it is only a picture of my feet, I also applied the oil to my body too and have similar results. At first i was concerned as I saw no difference to the scaring, but i now realise that the healing was very gradual and slow so don't give up :D

6th month 


  1. Thank you so much! My 2 year old picked this up from day-care and the doctor we saw was ridiculously unhelpful!
    This has helped a lot!

  2. You are welcome ^^ I hope he is better now ^^. It is such a terrible situation to be in

  3. It's encouraging to see your healing pictures. I'm on my Day 12 post-treatment and am still getting new spots and itchiness (though slowly improving day-by-day). Thanks for sharing.

  4. its frustrating my puppy has it or had it i dont know at this time since hes been getting brown marks on his belly and i have already spent to much money on treatments and my daughter the puppys owner caught scabies too and has scars on her hand

    1. You can't get scabies from an animal. It is more likely that both of you are getting bitten by fleas, which can produce similar rashes.

    2. You can't get scabies from an animal. It is more likely that both of you are getting bitten by fleas, which can produce similar rashes.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes you can get scabies from animals! It's not exactly the same scabies that humans would normally get but would feel very similar and have similar symptoms as motes are mites.
      The mites that infest animals are slightly different than the ones that infest humans however they absolutely can and will affect humans... they are microscopic mites and will go anywhere there is a food source.
      They do not survive for as long on humans because they cannot fully use them as a host but they will still bite and attempt to live on humans.
      If the infested pet was removed then the mites would eventually die out (in most cases!, there have been cases of them surviving for much longer!) but as long as the pet still has the mange or is infested then the human can most certainly be affected.

    5. NO... INCORRECT... I'm sure you're aware that humans and animals have different skin oPH levels, so a mite that thrives on a dog won't thrive on a human and will usually die off within a few days. If your dog has visible fleas and is constantly itching then maybe they are flea bites. Dogs can actually be more affected by human mites, because they will tend to scratch more leasing to secondary skin infections and also more chance of it going untreated.

  5. I'm the the 5th day of treatment of this damn experience. A dermatologist recommended Ivermectin (an oral treatment) just in case anybody needs more than permethrin cream.
    The same dermatologist told me most of the stuff you already said so I'm just reaffirming that is very important that anybody with this problem washes all of their clothes and bedding quilts and blankets with hot water as well as ironing all clothing. Also, if possible, fumigate your house.
    I probably got this also from traveling since the symptoms appeared days after I came back from a job related flight.
    My question is, how are the scars coming along? I came across this blog doing a Google search for scabies scars (and it's the 1st result) because I am worried that the scars will be permanent. Nevertheless, I will try the Aloe Vera and vitamin E stuff.
    More info here:
    A word of warning though: if you think the pictures in this blog are sensitive then do NOT scroll up in the Wikipedia article above.

  6. A few things that should be updated, first of all scabies do affect the face and scalp of adults sometimes so it is now advised to apply the cream from head to toe, including scalp. You should leave on for 12-14 hours, 8 is more for kids with thinner skin. Also everything should be vacuumed and the vacuum bag should either be frozen for 3 days or thrown away outside, use diluted bleach to mop, lysol to spray all non-porous surfaces. Put a mattress cover on your bed, strip your bedding every day and wash it at at least 130 degrees F, spray down mattress cover with lysol daily. Wear gloves when handling dirty clothes so you don't reinfect yourself. Bag up all stuffed animals and non washable things, leave these untouched for 2-3 weeks. There is debate about how long they live off the body but definitely at least 72 hours, some say up to 2 weeks. Don't forget to disinfect your cars as well! The permethrin should be repeated after 7 days on everyone because it doesn't kill the eggs which will hatch 3-4 days after being laid, they can start reproducing about 10 days after they are laid, so treatment between days 5-7 is recommended.

  7. Thank you everyone for the comments and encouragements, hope you all get well soon for all those affected. In regards to the scaring, It has been about 1 year now and not a single scar is left on the body ^^ but please be aware that the scars will gradually fade and not disappear in a fortnight.

    1. I just find out I have scabies, and this information you provide is very supportive for me. Im very desperate with the itching, and the look.of m skin, but I have faid doesn't last for long time

  8. This is day 6 of treatment. I have never experienced anything like this before and I can't really say where it originated from. I glad to see that u healed up nice. I came across this cause I was wondering would I be left with scars. Did u use the cocoa butter during your treatment? I know that your glad it's over!

  9. It's day 4 after treatment for me and I am worried about scars as well. Thank you so much for this information. I was starting to feel hopeless, but I feel much better now.

  10. Oh what an ordeal, 2nd day after treatment and I start itching again, what does that mean, they are still active?

  11. Hello there. Is it a little too late for me to visit a doctor 'cos myscabies spots became black spots but still feel the itch. I am so shy to show my legs to people. since I was 15 yrs old I have those scabies. 2 yrs ltr, the black spots still have. I was so so shy. Help me please. sigh.

    Agirlwhoneedshelpbadly from singapore

  12. I had scabies from october 2013 until mid january 2014. Finally was cleared twice by dermatologist (twice because I was paranoid). Got my car professionally interior detailed because thats how I got reinfected. It is now late March, and I have a red area where I was infected months ago. I had a contained infection, but worst area. The right side of my....Johnson. the skin is the color like you just laid on it for a long time. It has a constant subdued itch and the paranoia never ceases. Makes any contact with my car uncomfortable even though it was professionally cleaned in front of me. People tell me everything in life has a purpose. Scabies.... their purpose is to institutionalize people even after they are cured. That phantom itch is maddening. And I get an occasional blistery welt that appears in a day or two and disappears just as fast. One thing to say.... eff mites

  13. I'm glad you've recovered from your scabies ordeal. I know it is very hard to have scabies, especially the intense itching at bedtime.

    thanks for posting your treatment, this will help all those who are suffering from scabies! :)

  14. I have boils now.... n pliz advice me on how to remove this dark spots.. :(

  15. I've been afraid of bugs and parasites since I was a child and was kidnapped and infected while living in filthy conditions. I stay super clean and have never had a problem- until now. I have the exact rash,pustules, and itching. But i have waxy patches in places and i am confused why people say they are microscopic. I can see them. They are whitish and round and vary in size the largest about the size of a tiny tick. Though you cant really see the legs when you try to pull it off it catches hold and burrows quickly under the skin. I keep hearing only about the dry patches what are the waxy blothes that scrape off easily? I see the dermatologist tomorrow until then i am a shaking wreck. I cant go near my can i be sure to get them out of me house? And no I am not one of those people with imaginary mites, my fiance has seen them and while I am agoraphobic, I am not delusional. Oh, sorry what about my dog? Does she need to be treated?

    1. your doctor and the CDC can tell you how to get rid of them in your house and on your body

  16. Plz anybody can help me I have scabies dead marks on my body how do I get it removed plz guide.

  17. Thanks so much for this information and sharing your experience. I was just diagnosed of scabies yesterday. So today is my second day of treatment. I travelled a lot in the last month so the Dr. said i could have caught it anywhere between my travels. The rashes appeared about a week ago, I didn't suspect scabies at first because i got bit by a bed bug between my thumb and index finger. It looked like three mosquito bites (it had no clear liquid at the tip) plus it itched(not so much) so i thought i was having an allergic reaction. But over time(within the day and next few days) it spread to most of upper and lower arms, legs and thigh, back of my hands, in between my fingers and toes, the nape of my neck, back of my ears, forehead, elbows, knees, waist line and buttocks with an unbearable itch especially at night. For me, the rash on my legs and thigh are bumpy red and spread out without any blistering signs while those on my arms are raised(mosquito bite looking) and blistery with transparent liquid(pus) coming out when it is squeezed. I became paranoid and researched a lot of skin conditions and underlying infections on the web but couldn't figure it out. I also felt like something's were moving on my body and biting but i couldn't see anything so I bathed with hot water each day just as a precautionary measure but didn't get much relief. Anyways i was given Permethrin cream which i used overnight and Diphenhydramine tablets which i have to use for 2 weeks for the itching and the itching has reduced. I have heat washed and dried my beddings and clothings twice. Right now, i still feel like something's moving on my feet,back and hands biting, so ill use the permethrin again tonight, I hope it gets rid of the mites and i don't get re-infected again EVER

    My advice to anyone with these symptoms....DON'T DELAY...VISIT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.

  18. OMG, this is the worst experience ever. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with scabies. One of my 6 school age children brought it home from school. Now my 1 year old grandson even has it. Because my children doctor office won't let them come in until July 20th (totally ridiculous and will be changing their doctor back to their old one) we are going to the emergency room. My doctor prescribed me with Permethrin Cream 5% however I have gotten reinfected because my kids hadn't been treated. So you're definitely right about everyone being treated at the same time. Luckily for me, my doctor authorized 2 refills for the Permethrin. All the best to anyone that has been diagnosed with Scabies. It's a very horrible experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    Update: while typing this post, one of my kids old doctor called and was nice enough to treat all of her old patients (all my kids). She now has our loyalty to her until my children get grown.

  19. I am a border agent. There are thousands that have scabies. We need to close the border. There will be an epidemic scabies in the United States if we do not. Your children and my children will get this disease. I can not show you pictures because they will know who took these. There will be hundreds of thousands more by the end of the year. Only you can't stop this epidemic please call your congressman and senators and talk to our president to stop and protect our border or we will have the worst this country has ever seen of scabies.

  20. Thank you for sharing. I am at my wits end with this and it has only been 4 days since I started treatment. Two weeks ago my mom let me know that she had picked up scabies when she was in the hospital. Since I was briefly in her home, I had a chance of exposre. Everyone in her house went on the treatment and recommended my husband and I do. When I went to the doctor he said to wait to see if any symptoms, I probably don't have it. Cut to last Thursday and I woke up with 7 itching red bumps on my abdomen and leg. I contacted my doctor to tell him I indeed had the symptoms. By end of day over 30 raised itchy bumps. Did the lotion but had to get a second tube from a different doctor as my doc said to only repply "if new spots appear after treatment". Um, no, it's called better safe than sorry. Bumps haven't gotten any smaller in days and I am going nuts trying not to scratch them because I'm afraid of scarring. Anyway, your blog has cheered me up and given me some hope that it will be okay eventually.

  21. Hey thanks for the post! Um, I just want to ask you something, well it's been 2weeks since I applied this cream. And now, thankfully it's not itchy as before but I have to scratch some of my body part(especially area around scar) and those little bumps started to appear but the number of them are very few. Do you think i have to do this therapy again or should I just wait? Because doctor told me I should wait at least 6weeks to be sure it's gone. So I was just wondering did this happened to you as well. Anyway, thanks again for the post!

  22. I have had recurrent episodes of scabies for twenty years. My son brought them home in elementary school. It was correctly diagnosed for him but when I had the rash my Dr did not think it was scabies. I went back and forth and to a dermatologist for months before it was finally settled. The Dr had to do a scraping before he finally believed me. Since then I have been reinfected every few years. I have been told that a person who has had scabies previously is VERY susceptible to contracting it again. I stopped shaking hands with people but I think at this point even the most casual contact will pass it to me. The symptoms are accelerated and within days of the initial blister I will have excrutiating itching. The worst aspect of this is trying to convince the Dr to write the prescription. Over the years I have (for other reasons such as relocation) have changed doctors and it is humiliating and embarassing to have to go over the whole story each time. I have no relief from the Elamite cream and must use the Ivermecton pill. I am a college educated, professional person with an upper middle class background. It has been a hellish experience and profoundly disturbing to my self esteem.

  23. To the above poster: maybe you could treat your clothes with Permethrin. The sell it at REI (camping and travel store). At least then they would have to touch your skin to get on you.

  24. My husband's parents caught scabies from a relative at a nursing home. It took forever for them to be properly diagnosed. They finally got proper treatment and treated with the scabies lotion even though I thought they should get the oral med. They still had itching for a couple months after treatment which is called parasitic psychosis along with an allergic reaction from the bugs dying off and your body getting rid of them. They vacuumed every fabric or carpet surface that they walked on, sat on, or laid on EVERY DAY! Plus changing and washing bedding daily along with getting a special mattress cover. It is much harder to clean with carpets, rugs, etc. so if possible get rid of them from the house. But if you throw them out please put in heavy trash bags and mark "contaminated" so no one tries to take them to their home. Put items that cannot be washed in hot water into heavy duty ziploc bags and place in large tubs until you are scabies free so you don't reinfect them. They used that technique for special quilts and family items that were important to them but couldn't be hot water cleaned. Also place clean clothes in a tub to prevent further re-infestation. And yes to thoroughly cleaning the car by vacuuming daily if you use it. When they were finally better they had all their remaining carpets and furniture professionally steam cleaned as steam is hot enough to kill any remaining eggs.
    They did not treat with the lotion twice even though I thought they should but they continually cleaned their house/car and finally were clean. They too felt bites for a while that weren't actually there, this is part of the psychosis. Whenever you have a parasite that attacks the body it can affect (not the same as infect) the brain due to the physical and mental toll it takes on the body. It causes you to believe you are being bit when it's just your mind imagining it or it is the allergic response to the body sloughing off the dead bugs. It's important during your treatment and after to eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, possibly take extra vitamins/minerals and avoid too much caffeine, alcohol, or tobacco. You must help your body heal by giving it as much good stuff as you can. Also, vitamin C, A, B12, and E all help heal the skin but it's best to get most of your vitamins from foods not just a pill. You may look for a healthy lotion with vitamins to help heal, one without a lot of wax or petroleum oils in it.
    I hope this helps someone as it was so hard to not be able to be around our loved ones when they went through this terrible hardship. The outbreak my in-laws had affected 4 separate households but after a time they all recovered! So keep at it and don't go too crazy dealing with it. Also, try to keep your spirits up by watching or reading positive or funny stuff. They body/brain need to take a break from the constant pressure of it all and it can help your healing process. Humor is sometimes the best medicine. Take care!
    P.S. - During this, I found out that there are two types of reaction to the scabies mite. One is regular scabies where you may only have 20-30 actual mites living in your skin.(which is what my in-laws had and of course they continually lay eggs which can produce more) But there is a Norwegian variety that can literally cause thousands to infest you (sorry, I know that's so gross!). From what I researched they are caused by the same type of mite but if an individual has a compromised immune system (such as severe arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, etc.) the mites can reproduce at an alarming rate. (This is the type that two of the other households had.) But the treatment is the same for both types. So please keep at it and don't give up!

    1. OMG...this was avery, very informative post. I have gone through hell. This ailment has cost me dearly financially, physically,mentally,spiritually, etc. I just fired my Dermatologist and Primary Care physicians of many years. They kept telling me it's Bedbug bites. I'm retired/disabled and my last visit to Derm Doctor was ridiculous. I carried in photos of infected areas of my body and even harvested skin pieces (scrapings) to be examined under a microscope to no avail). She told me that she didn't need any of that "stuff" while she continued to enter perscriptions into her computer system. I told her insanely itchy at night, sleep disturbed, bites were crusty but not runny. I would use Cetaphil Antimicrobial Soap, peroxide on fresh wounds, lastly Bactine and cover up with waterproof bandaids...some temporary relief. Sprayed linens and clothing with a concoction of 91% alcohol and clorox, washed linens and clothes every other day with Tide or All Mighty concentrated pacs with a cup of ammonia in the wash. I live in an apt building with 12 units...Whenever I used the laundry room I cleaned the machine with Lysol Power Foam spray. And I even run an empty cycle (no clothes in machine) with just water and Clorox. Then was my clothes and linens in the Hotest water setting. Dry clothes on hotest setting twice...pack away cleaned clothes and linens in plastic storage containers...all this has slowed down the itchy bites but not end it completely. New Primary Care physicianhas done extensive blood workup lab tests...and new Derm, Rheumatologist and Pulmonary Physicians. I have lupus so my immune system is fragile to say the least. My family doesn't live nearby so I don't know if they need to be treayed because I only see them every 4 months or so. They believe whatever it's in my wall to wall carpet. I have had professionals come in to assess 3 times for bedbugs and each time they have gone thru every room inthis apartment and even closets. Each report turns up a status of NO BEDBUGS. I have upcoming appt with NEW Dermatologist 4/23/15. I have documented this hellish journey. I'm praying this Physician has solution for my ailment that will end this or confirms this is scabies and start me on a treatment plan that ends my trip thru hell.

    2. I fear I am suffering from the latter of the two infestations. I am curious... Do you know if the mites will get into your hair or come out of your eyes? I am suffering and very sick. My teen son brought the mite home and it has been a struggle as I do have fibromyalgia. I am facing evixtion from my home and have lost employment. It has been a nightmare and some speculation of the pest that is eating my hair and causing serious problems on my scalp. I am desperate and a single mother... Any help would be much appreciated. Lack of sleep due to the itching and stress along with the worry of misdiagnosis and fear of homelessness as we have no family that can help financially. Already thrown out most furniture and replacing them will be hard. Desperate for the answers.

  25. I also was given oral antibiotics, Clindamycin lotion and a antihistamine and only one 1 tube treatment of 5% Permetherin Cream by former Physicians & that didn't work followup treatment...Former Dermatologist said secondary finding was Folliculitis primary finding Bedbug Bites. Soery my post was long just hope it helps someone besides my getting more info about this health issue.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Glad to find your site. Just found out today I have them, and have had them for about 2 months! I've never had them so I didn't realize I could have scabies. I just returned from a trip to...guess where? Greece! Their austerity measures probably gave me these cooties, as they erupted right after my trip. Either there or the PLANE. I am dreading this experience. I have NEVER itched so bad in my entire life...

  28. Hello there! Nice that I've came across your post.. I think I have scabies, too. This is the third day since I got these spots.. The thing is, the spots on my knee, legs, arms and elbows don't particularly itch, just the spots on my soles, extremely itchy! I am really confused. I also experienced bedbug bites just before these spots appeared. I don't know what to do.. Do you think it would be alright if I would use Permethrin and everything without any prescription? I'm happy that youve survived scabies without getting scars.. :)

  29. This is sad me and my two kids can't get rid of these awful parasites. We received the cream 5gm and washes our sheets and applied as directed. Still keep getting a few more spots. Its so annoying but yet the Dr only gave one cream for three of us. Which its ridiculous because its three people. I have scars on my toes and ankles its nasty its so embarrassing. My two year has it on his face it kills me to see it appeared on his body. Isn't there any other solutions to kill this disgusting bugs?

  30. Wow, So happy to have found your post. While there is a ton of information on scabies out there, the pics and the documentation of your journey is very encouraging. I was exposed through my work with animals about a month before I realized what was going on. No one in my family has symptoms. We have vacuumed, cleaned, washed and started our pets with treatment. I have been banished to a spare bed room and I am washing my bedding every day. It is very important to dry your laundry on high heat for an additional 30 minutes after completely being dry in order to kill in any eggs. Don't forget to treat your pets. Pet Action Plus which is generic Frontline Plus is labeled to aid in control of Sarcoptic Mange Mite infestation. You can buy it pretty reasonably at Walmart in the US or online. Revolution is also noted to kill Sarcoptic Mange Mites in both Cats and Dogs but a vet will need to prescribe it and that vet will likely require a heart worm test. In very bad infestations, pets will require Ivomectin as well. Be sure to treat you pets as well. While human scabies is self limiting on pets they are still subject to the itching which can cause secondary infections not to mention reinfection of their owners.

  31. Hello, i confused whether or not i have scabies, the doctor said i have a seasonal allergy, but i have never got a skin allergy, i have been with this case for a 4 days now, but what worries me is that it started at the soul of my feet and then palms of my hands and now spreading on my body. Can you please tell me was the itch always present or was it enhanced by warm weather or warm water?

  32. That is a really helpful blog and it's good to see in the pictures the fast recovery that you've got. I really agree that it is better to consult a specialist or a doctor for any ealth condition like scabies. Scabies needs to be threatened properly with the right solutions. Yeah! there's a possibility that some medications will not work and also there are natural ways that can help you cure the scabies. Dr. Sundardas is a naturopathy expert that wants to help and collaborate with you. We hope that you have time to visit our website or email us so we could talk about a naturopathy.

  33. Hello.. I would like to know what kind of clean up did you do exactly? Did you also sanitize your electronics? Such as your handphone and laptop.. thank you

  34. Hi. I despise scabies. This is what helped me.
    I cleaned my bedroom from top to bottoms. Vacuumed everything and wiped down all areas with 50% rubbing alcohol and water. Then went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought mattress and box spring encasings NOT mattress pad covers. You want your entire bed enclosed. I sprinkled borax and baking soda on my mattress and left it on for an hour then vacuumed it up.
    That night:
    1. Bathe in as hot water as you can stand with 2 cups of borax and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide for at least 20 minutes, then take a hot shower while using sulfur soap to cleanse.
    2. Apply permethrin cream from top of your neck to your toes- in every crevice
    3. Next morning take a hot shower and use sulfur soap. After drying off apply neem oil all over your body and put on clean clothes. The neem oil smells but helps tremendously.
    4. Next morning wash ALL bedding in hot water with 1/2 cup Clorox bleach and 1/2 cup of borax plus a scoop of your laundry detergent.
    5. Put all pillows in the dryer on high for 40 minutes.
    6. At night take another hot bath with borax and hydrogen peroxide and put on clean pjs.
    I followed this protocol for a week, yes it's exhausting but I'm so grateful that I'm better. No more creepy crawler feeling. Good luck and good health to all

  35. Hi. I despise scabies. This is what helped me.
    I cleaned my bedroom from top to bottoms. Vacuumed everything and wiped down all areas with 50% rubbing alcohol and water. Then went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought mattress and box spring encasings NOT mattress pad covers. You want your entire bed enclosed. I sprinkled borax and baking soda on my mattress and left it on for an hour then vacuumed it up.
    That night:
    1. Bathe in as hot water as you can stand with 2 cups of borax and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide for at least 20 minutes, then take a hot shower while using sulfur soap to cleanse.
    2. Apply permethrin cream from top of your neck to your toes- in every crevice
    3. Next morning take a hot shower and use sulfur soap. After drying off apply neem oil all over your body and put on clean clothes. The neem oil smells but helps tremendously.
    4. Next morning wash ALL bedding in hot water with 1/2 cup Clorox bleach and 1/2 cup of borax plus a scoop of your laundry detergent.
    5. Put all pillows in the dryer on high for 40 minutes.
    6. At night take another hot bath with borax and hydrogen peroxide and put on clean pjs.
    I followed this protocol for a week, yes it's exhausting but I'm so grateful that I'm better. No more creepy crawler feeling. Good luck and good health to all

  36. Thanks for all the lovely comments. To help those that is concerned with the scaring, I have found the palmers cocoa butter quite effective on me. I was concerned at first as I saw no fading or difference but i realise it does work gradually but over a very long time. food luck everyone.

  37. man i hope this works. i got some red spots due to bites on my private area, (male), and this kills me. i havent done anything recently to make it be there in that area and everywhere else from the waist down, spots are not pop up and bad, just unusual to be red. im suspecting they are bites since i have the skin there as they dug. i put my treatment on and changed my sheet. i just hope that redness goes away, i dont want to have it for the rest of my teen years.

  38. i did yesterday my 1st treatment and today i can see new spots.. is that ok or it didnt work? im very concerned...

  39. With this permethrin cream 5% 60g do I put it on everyday for my scabies

  40. With this permethrin cream 5% 60g do I put it on everyday for my scabies

  41. Hello, and thanks for your blog information, how many time start your symptoms? It's possible scabies start 80 days ago or scabies star 4-6 week? Thanks and sorry for me English, I'm from Italy

  42. Thank you for your story and pictures. I have very fair skin and was concerned with scarring. I started using palmers cocoa butter with vitamin e on day 4. I read vitamin c helps as well. Lemon juice is suppose to help lighten scars. It was not recommended for dark pigmented individuals and do not go into the sun with it. Again.....thank you.

  43. my skin scars so easy and i got scabies and now im dealing with these ugly dark spots. i hope my skin recovers like yours. i kinda wanna add cocoa butter to my rountine now. i use coconut oil currently and heard tea tree oil is good for scars too. Im alot darker then you but when did u start seeing the difference? and how often were u using it?

  44. my skin scars so easy and i got scabies and now im dealing with these ugly dark spots. i hope my skin recovers like yours. i kinda wanna add cocoa butter to my rountine now. i use coconut oil currently and heard tea tree oil is good for scars too. Im alot darker then you but when did u start seeing the difference? and how often were u using it?

  45. Does anyone know of any other products that work? I have a scabies rash over my entire face and neck but I also have skin allergies which means I can't use palmers products or most products. I'm desperate right now.

  46. There is a ton of free information at

  47. There is a ton of free information at

  48. I am so paranoid of bugs so go figure I'd get scabies,but here I am. I had them real bad on my face, mouth. Ears, and eyes. I gave gotten rid of a lot of them, but my lips and the corner of my mouth was full of them till this mornin. I got an idea to use kanka.(mouth sore medicine OTC) and they just started dropping off my lips..I wouldn't suggest this, but I used a small drop on my ankle and it killed them also.

  49. I am so paranoid of bugs so go figure I'd get scabies,but here I am. I had them real bad on my face, mouth. Ears, and eyes. I gave gotten rid of a lot of them, but my lips and the corner of my mouth was full of them till this mornin. I got an idea to use kanka.(mouth sore medicine OTC) and they just started dropping off my lips..I wouldn't suggest this, but I used a small drop on my ankle and it killed them also.

  50. Its most likely gonna kill me but i have one last "bullet" in the chamber:neem (btw jk im not gonna let no pirate disease kill me x) ) btw neem does not kill but heal skin while destroying their reproductive system. Also keeps eggs from hatching but its an everyday deal with great results. (Btw make sure you dilute oils)
    No digesting bad for kidneys

  51. I was treated for scabies 7 months ago. I am still dealing with horrible post scabies rash. I have some scars and still, a few red spots that are like scabs (but under the skin it seems) keep popping up! Trying everything. No luck :( I will try Palmers though. Thank you for this blog.

  52. Is there anyone out there discuss scabies!!!!!!Help, all over my kitchen, they infest the food and take on scabies shape whist comprising the substance of the food. For example, the dimsims, pasta, burnt oven crumbs, bread crumbs from toaster, but upon viewing in microscope they are scabies. Any one ever noticed?????

  53. I have that experience a month ago.. It was very annoying because it was really active at night.. And I cant even sleep.. So it became more and more in my legs.. Then I decided to go and see a doctor.. She gave me an oinment and Medicine.. Its now ok but my legs full of SCARS and I cant even wear shorts or dress because of that.. Im just 13 years old .. And now because of the scars I have no confident anymore.. I dont know what would I do now.. I dnt think if it can cure of dermatolist beacause thas already. 1 month ago..

  54. Ill be 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow and found out i have scabies last week.i'm doing my second treatment tomorrow. Does it clear up even faster after 2nd treatment with cream. Ive seen improvements on my hands but my stomach and neck still look awful. I would love more relief before baby decides to come

  55. Here is my story of how I got rid of mites twice before but then got them again from another stray cat and what I am doing to get rid of them again:

  56. God bless Dr.IYAYA for his marvelous work in my life, I was suffering for Scabies since since 2015 and I was taking my medications and i wasn't satisfied i needed to get the Scabies out of my body, I searched about some possible cure for Scabies and i saw a comment about Dr. Iyaya, how he cured a woman with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later it was cleared, Dr. Iyaya truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don't you contact him through
    He can also cure the following disease

  57. Dr Ughulu herbal medicine is a good remedy for scabies, I was a carrier of scabies and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Ughulu cure scabies I decided to contact Him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Ughulu herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr.Ughulu, reach him on

  58. Your blog provide a good information about the foot healing cream well done and nice job.
    foot healing cream

  59. I have only seen one faint "track" on the inside of my arm. I look with magnifying glass, but do not see any defined "thing" or "bug". The burning itching is one horrible aspect, but being able to feel them actually crawling under my skin is mentally challenging.
    I took Ivermectin , but still needed the Permethrin which helped for one night. I was so desperate I actually resorted to showering, drying off and then spraying myself down with bleach/water mix. I don't have a bathtub to soak in or I would try a previous posters suggestion to soak in Borax. I'm following all of the exhaustive cleaning rituals everyday. Sometimes 2x's a day out of paranoia . As I write this....I feel them crawling under my skin. Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories and suggestions.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I had sex few time with a Polish Girl her name is Kinga from Karkow. She was scratching at night that I wake up several times. She explained that she has a sort of allergy lately. I didn't think about it so much.

    3 or 4 weeks after, i noticed 2 red spots on my belly side. It was slightly itchy and red especially after a shower. One week after, i started developing a rash spreading everywhere on my body but nothing on the face. It was not so itchy at first.

    I asked Kinga if she knows about if her itching could be contagious. She said she has tested negative for scabies which I didn’t know what it is at the time. She is sure it is not scabies. Later she mentioned that her X got it before they break up.
    I scheduled a meeting with a doctor who examined the rash and took a scabies test. He then told me, i am negative for scabies and that this rash will go away by itself. After a week the rash got worse and the itching became crazy. I went back to the doctor who wrote me a cream to ease my itching.

    Kinga wanted to break up with me, we just started dating. She said, she is not into a long distance relationship. We had an argument, where then i had a doubt she knew she could pass her infection to me and others because she gave it to her Ex as well. She answered that, she is not responsible for my health and that men should wear condoms. She said it is not her Problem. Bitch!!

    I started to study everything possible about rashes. I first suspected i might have contracted HIV OR other STD'S. I got more depressed and I begin to imagine what would I do and how could I tell others about my case. The cream didn't help and I was itching insanely.

    I decided to test after a lot of hesitation for HIV. It was a tough hour but I came negative for HIV. After studying all rashes i was convinced that i have a sort of PITYRIASIS ROSEA.

    I went to another private Clinic, and tested once again for every Possible STD. When the Doc saw my rash, He told me your rash doesn't resemble other known rashes. He said, this is not PITYRIASIS ROSEA. He then searched my body and took a sample under the microscope. THEN, told me Scabies.

    I was happy to finally know what this Rash was about. I saw the ugly Mite under the microscope. I had it for over 9 weeks. Anyways, i am now in my second week after starting treatment and i feel much better.

    I used so far 4 tubes so far (2 each time) of the 5% Perm. I also took a dose of Ivermectin (Stromectol). I offered to cover the Price of treatment for others that i might have passed it too.
    I learned a lesson now. (Don’t sleep with Polish Girls again) joking!

  64. hello everyone, I am very happy to share this triumphant testimony, i never believed i was ever going to be cured from Acne Pimps. after being diagnosed by my doc i was so penalized on how i will ever regain my smooth face back after suffering for 7years of Acne Pimps . finally Dr great cure gave me a reason to be happy again after searching online then i found out that Dr Great has safe many lives of this disease. behold i was filled with Joy after writing to him on his email and he responded to me that i shouldn't be skeptical that my disease is very simple for him to handle. i hold on to his words then i attended to every of his instruction then i provided every needed materials and that is how my medicine was prepared and send to me and he assured me after using his HERBAL MEDICINE and HERBAL CREAM,HERBAL SOAP in 2 weeks i will be cured and i will come back and thank him. and that was it. i went to check myself after 2weeks and my doc confirmed me Acne Pimps Negative.all thanks to him contact his email: for easy comminication WhatSapp him via his Mobile:+2348032140659

  65. I have been using DermalMD Scar Treatment serum on my three year old daughter's forehead scar for about a month and a half. The scar hasn't completely disappears as yet but as the days progress, it is becoming less and less visable. I am still using my first tube..but I needed share my story. I thought that there may not have been an option for making the scar go I know there is....Thank You DermalMD Scar Treatment serum.

  66. Địa chỉ gắn bi uy tín hcm.Những loại thức ăn giúp tăng kích thước cậu nhỏ thường là những loại có chứa nhiều Vitamin C, B, các loại chất đạm, axit amin có tác dụng tăng cường testosterone trong máu giúp máu lưu thông tốt hơn từ đó sẽ làm to kích thước cậu nhỏ.Những loại thịt bò, thịt chó giàu đạm và vitamin B và các dưỡng chất khác giá lắp bi cho cậu nhỏ . Đây là những loại thức ăn được cho là tăng cường độ dẻo dai cũng như sức chịu đựng cho cậu nhỏ của bạn. Các bạn nên có chế độ phân chia ăn các loại thịt theo từng tuần tránh nhàm chán ăn không ngon miệng thì nên ăn khoảng 2 đến 3 lần các loại thịt này trong 1 tuần nhé.Việc ăn nhiều loại thức ăn chứa nhiều chất oxi hóa sẽ làm cho hệ sinh dục của bạn chống được các lão hóa do thời gian hay tuổi tác một cách hiệu quả cách găm bi hcm . Những loại như: nước ép trái cây đặc biệt là táo một trong những loại trái cây rất tốt cho sức khỏe, ngoài ra còn dầu ô liu các loại chocolate làm tăng lượng máu cho cơ thể một cách tự nhiên giúp tăng kích cỡ cậu nhỏ trong một thời gian ngắn.Ngoài ra, nam giới cần từ bỏ những thói quen xấu để làm cậu nhỏ to và dài hơn . Những thứ như thuốc lá, rượu bia, các chất kích thích khác ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến việc tăng trưởng kích thước cậu nhỏ của bạn đó chính vì thế việc hạn chế những loại chất kích thích này sẽ góp phần làm to cậu nhỏ một cách hiệu quả nhất.Thông thường các loại hải sản như cá, cua biển , chạch đặc biệt là các loại cá ngừ, cá hồi có chứa nhiều các chất đạm.Phương pháp này khi nghe thì có vẻ vô lý nhưng thực tế, cắt tỉa lông mu có thể giúp “cậu nhỏ” trông lớn hẳn lên. Là cách làm tăng kích thước cậu nhỏ đơn giản nhất bạn có thể áp dụng . Điều này cũng giống như khi bạn cắt tóc khuôn mặt bạn sẽ to lên, gọn gàng và sạch sẽ hơn nếu cắt tóc thường xuyên.Hiệu quả nhanh nhất để tăng kích cỡ cậu nhỏ lớn hơn là tắm nước ấm trước khi quan hệ tình dục. . Và “cậu nhỏ” khi mới tắm xong cũng dễ dàng cương cứng hơn và khỏe hơn.

  67. I am here to testifies on how Dr Uyi help me to cure my sickness Herpes which has been eating me up for some years now, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 2 weeks of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the herpes virus was gone, and now am so happy and free from it thanks to Dr Uyi. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address ( ) or you can call his mobile number: +2348077199766..

  68. God bless Dr Ifa Azaka for his marvelous work in my life, I was suffering for Scabies since since 2015 and I was taking my medications and i wasn't satisfied i needed to get the Scabies out of my body, I searched about some possible cure for Scabies and i saw a comment about Dr. Ifa Azaka, how he cured a woman with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through DHL SERVICE . I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later it was cleared, Dr. Ifa Azaka truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don't you contact him through Email OR whatsapp him +2349038790901


  70. Thanks for sharing this! Scabies is absolutely the worst. Mine lasted about 2 weeks but post-scabies symptoms only settled after a month or so. It was good to see evidence that permethrin actually worked, gave me some peace of mind :) There are actually a lot of natural treatments that work and can give your permethrin treatment an extra kick. I used a combination of many and I really think it helped heal the skin and probably help kill some of the infestation too. It was all basic natural treatments you can buy from the supermarket and health store - sometimes the doctors recommend them but usually not. If anyone's interested, I've written up the whole recipe and treatment in my guide: Really hope it helps!

  71. achima abelard29 May 2017 at 14:53

    My life is beautiful because of you Mein Helfer.Lord jesus into my life as a candlelight in the dark. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know even when i cried all day thinking how to get well you weren’t sleeping you were dear for me.I contacted Dr Itua herbal center lived in west Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg she’s from Africa too,She told me about Africa herbs but was nervous about it.I’m really scared when it come to African because i heard allot of fiend things about them due to my christianity I pray to god for direction,I take the bold step and contact him on email then move to whatsapp he ask if I can come over for the treatment or want a delivery,I said i want to meet him I buy 2ways ticket down to Africa to meet Dr Itua,I went there and i was speechless Of people I saw there.Patent,Sick people.Dr Itua is a god sent to the world,I told my Pastor about what am into,Pastor Bill Scheer We have a wonderfully Real Battle With Spirit And Flesh.worship that same night,He pray for me and ask me to lead,I spent 2weeks and 2days in Africa in Dr Itua Herbal Home,After the treatment He ask me to meet his nurse for hiv test when i did it was negative,I quitely ask my friend to take me to other nearby hospital when i got there it’s was negative.I was overwhelm with the result,But happy inside me.We went to Dr Itua,I thank him but I explain to him I don’t have enough to show my aprecaition he understand my situation but promise him to testify the good work of his.I thank god for my dear friend,Emma I know she might be reading this right now,I want to say thank you.And a big thanks to Dr Itua Herbal Center.He Gave me his calendar which I place on my wall in my house.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,You can contact him on email or whatsapp,,phone number..+2348149277967..He’s nice Doc,Talk to him nicely.I’m sure he will listen to you as well.

  72. As the premier services of scar removal and dark eye circle removal, White Rock Laser Clinic in Langley City, Canada is committed to deliver services to clients with desired results. We offer a cost-effective service that caters the needs of clients. The company’s aim is to offer outstanding level of service and care.

  73. My 11 year old son was just checked and they said he had scabies. His dad and I are not together and my son supposedly had it for a couple of months and his dad kept denying that it was scabies...Should I be worried more about any kidney or heart disease? I know if it is left untreated that is what it causes but don't know for how long....anybody went through this..please let me know thanks!

  74. It all started with me with a two week "flu" that caused low grade fever, sweaty palms and feet, headache, sinus issues, then a rash, then joint soreness with extreme muscle pain, cold sore. It was not fun. Still recovering.

    Ever since I get these "lines". They do not look like the classical scabies tracks. They aren't itchy. It looks like i just grazed the top layer of my skin with a nail, than a dot, then another dot. The one I spotted today is on the back of my palm. This happened about 4 weeks ago. I sent to urgent care 4 times, derm 4 times, infectious disease and my primary. All said they see no signs of scabies but I was treated twice for it anyways because my stress was through the roof.

    But so far every Dr. has said I do not have scabies. But there is experience here and I want to tap into the knowledge people have. I got sick the second week in May and noticed a rash on my chest develop at some point. It was little white pimples. They did not itch. Then a few very small lesions as i described above on back of palms, wrist, ankle. Maybe 3-4. We are talking very small. Treated with Perm twice. About 4 weeks ago I notice my dogs start itching. They have been to vet twice. Vet says no mites that he can see, no scabs, no fleas, no evidence of infestation other than some extra itching my dogs have been doing to their ears. About a week ago I started itching but very generalized. My head, back, arms,... It was not intense just feel an itch. Itch it and it goes away. Past couple days I found 3 very small lesions. One on my left forearm, back of right palm, and one on my upper right arm. They do not itch. I am going to sauna today. And I did yesterday as well. What does the community think?

  75. *****************************PLEASE READ*******************************************
    After battling this horrifying ordeal for a year and a half I finally won!!!! I kept applying permethrin to my matress carpet, and when washing clothes and cleaning like crazy. Guess what I had permethrin resistant scabies.. tea tree oil Clove oil neem oil etc, I tried it in even tried them together did nothing sulfur soap and cream do nothing special diet made them less active but the second you slip up they on your tail with furry. I kept researching 🤗 and praise God I came across this article explaining that just like all bugs become or build up a tolerance for the chemicals used to kill them scabies do to so you shouldn't be trying to use permethrin for months straight let alone over a year and the had a list of other drugs that kills these SOB's hears a break down of the science.
    The insecticides are dedited from plants (chrysanthemum) flowers that have natural insecticide properties. Permethrin is only one of many forms of this insecticide some others that have been found to be more effective at eliminated the mites are

    Bifenthrin, deltamethrin, tralomethrin, esfenvalerate, Imiprothrin and my heaven sent CYFLUTHRIN

    I went to tractor and supply and picked up a $20 bottle of cyfluthrin and spray it with a spray bottle on the bed and the carpet in my room open day the windows and took a shower with some 2oz or less mixed with Dawn dish liquid ( the no dye and fragrance one) do not use onot your face!, but no bites for three days no crawls no itching and it all stop by the time I got out of the shower. The manufacture of the one I brought was Bayer. I also mixed 1/2 0z in olive oil in a small bottle and wore that until I showered the next day just the one night though and nothing no crawls or bites. I'm going to keep cleaning and treating my areas and home for a month but something finally worked AMEN and super fast I hope this helps someone don't ever stop believing your going to get rid of them because you can you just have to find with insecticide kills the ones you got and be consistent with cleaning and treating the Area around you should they don't come back or reinfest your home or you.

  76. Herpes cure with the help of herbal medication for herpes and hpv cure should contact Dr Oz

    Herpes and HPV being Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) can severely restrict one’s social and love life. Many people suffering from these conditions choose to remain silent, thus living a life filled completely with loneliness and frustration. But life isn’t over yet. You can not only find support with millions of other people with the same condition. I bring to you good news that can get you a permanent cure through real and effective herbal cure.He cured me and could cure you too, here is Dr Oz contact:Email
    Phone Him on +2348056391583

  77. You can get scabies from your dog. Scabies live without a human host for 3-4 days. If your pet sleeps in the bed with you then if course those mites are crawling on them too. They can not survive with an animal host and can not bury within them. They simply just come back to you the next night. I went and bought kennel dip 2 it has 17% permethrin in it and dip our dog twice.

  78. I'm Manuel, I contacted HIV in 2009, I was told by my doctor that there's no possible cure for HIV. I started taking my ARV's, My CD4 was 77 and viral load was 112,450.none of the pills nor drugs could work as it has being medically proven that there is no cure for this virus, it wasn’t an easy experience to know you are living with the HIV virus, there is nothing I haven’t done to get rid of it but all to no avail, so I gave up on any cure and live with the fate of no cure for it, on a good Saturday evening wondering and thinking about this mystery, I decide to browse through YouTube channels on any herbal cure for it, browsing through I saw a post on channel possible herbal cure for HIV virus, there to my very surprise was testimonies about DR. DIVINE ,I saw a lot of testimonies about him on how he uses herbal medicine to cure HIV,seeing.all these testimonies little joy and hope came to me, Despite still very curios I have to believe and I contacted him and told him my problems, he talk to me and gave me assurance that his herbal medicine has never failed him since God blessed him with the gift to treat with roots and herbs, he only asked me to trust and believe in whatever work he is doing for me as believe and trust is the first key to healing, so I put all my faith in him and with prayers so I believed and he said he is going to prepare me the herbal medicine which I will be using for 21 days, He sent me the herbal medicine and I took it for 14 days which was two weeks, after then I went to meet my Doctor for check-up and I was tested Negative .is a whole new world for me now and I thank God for restoration ,I thank God for using Dr Divine to heal me, The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there's no special diet when taking the medicine. He also told me a story how he cure a woman with a Genital HERPES, well this is more than a miracle and will not stop till everyone with this deadly virus is cured and I will advise the` General Public who have the same Virus to contact this great DR.

    Phone Number for call or whatsapp :+2348121197528

  79. This is the real pic of scabies

  80. Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, hiv, diabetics etc by Dr. Ogba Kosu herbal medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with hiv for the past 7 years but Dr. Ogba Kuso cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husand to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs. He is also a spell caster, he cast spell to restore broken marriages and he cast good luck spells to prosper and excel in life. Contact Dr. Ogba Kosu on:
    Phone/Whatsap no: +2348137291215

  81. When discovering how to cure scabies naturally at home, you must not forget to clean all soft furnishings, bedding and towels as these are all likely to be contaminated with the mites. Wherever possible, wash at a minimum of 50 degrees. Anything which cannot be washed should be sealed in large plastic bags and left for at least 72 hours, after which time the mites will have perished.

  82. I've had a rash for 2weeks but it's not itchy most of the time.... A Dr said it might be scabies but she wasn't sure so gave me the cream.... Now the original rash is much worse, still mostly not itchy just more red and dotty, angry looking... Is it possible this isn't scabies at all.. Especially as I'm not itching most of the day and night? Hope you can help

    1. Scabies is, according to my provider, "the worst itch known to man." It's name is even the itch mite, but also female scabies make burrows which appear as lines of connected bumps. Plus they typically appear in common places like palms, between fingers, wrists, inside elbows, back of elbows, back of knees, bottom of the butt, feet, ankles

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Thank you for posting this. I went to Europe in early May. About a week after I got back I started to get itchy but with no actual skin rash. That went on for a month or two. I went to the doctor who did many tests. Nothing came back. I was sent to a dermatologist / allergy specialist who said I had a histamine intolerance and should start shots for that immediately. Had two rounds of expensive shots, food and other allergen tests. I was miserable for over six months. I couldn't sleep, my anxiety was up, I couldn't exercise due to my hives and skin irritation. THE WORST. I finally go back to my primary care doctor one last time to give her an update. A rash, scab, and dry ridges appeared all over my body. Armpits, feet, stomach, back, butt, thighs, and hands. I walk into her office and she goes oh my, you have scabies. That day I did the cream. Itched like hell because it just dried my skin out even with lotion. Did the treatment again a week later. FINALLY 27 days later I only have two little spots of dry scab areas from the treatment. I can see the finish line!

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  86. Hello I have scabies toooo. And its my second week na nagttreat using permethrine. Ask ko lang kung talagang once a week lang siya inaapply? Sobrang kati na kasi minssn gusto ko lagyan paulit ulit


  88. Hello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr  Sunny has rendered to me for  getting my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email Also specialize i1) love Spell
    2) Spells divorce
    3) Spells of marriage4) Penis enlargement 5) Pregnancy problems6) Healing spell
    contact this great man if you have a problem for a lasting solution Through Email:

  89. I am really happy that i have been cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr OSAGIE , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years and 4 mouth without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 5days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can to mail him on OR
    DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM or WHATSAPP +2347030465649 he also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below .
    . STD CURE
    Thank you for your time

  90. There are some natural remedies that can be used in the prevention and eliminate diabetes totally. However, the single most important aspect of a diabetes control plan is adopting a wholesome life style Inner Peace, Nutritious and Healthy Diet, and Regular Physical Exercise. A state of inner peace and self-contentment is essential to enjoying a good physical health and overall well-being. The inner peace and self contentment is a just a state of mind.People with diabetes diseases often use complementary and alternative medicine. I diagnosed diabetes in 2010. Was at work feeling unusually tired and sleepy. I borrowed a cyclometer from a co-worker and tested at 760. Went immediately to my doctor and he gave me prescriptions like: Insulin ,Sulfonamides,Thiazolidinediones but Could not get the cure rather to reduce the pain but bring back the pain again. i found a woman testimony name Comfort online how Dr Akhigbe cure her HIV  and I also contacted the doctor and after I took his medication as instructed, I am now completely free from diabetes by doctor Akhigbe herbal medicine.So diabetes patients reading this testimony to contact his email   or his Number   +2348142454860   He also use his herbal herbs to diseases like:SPIDER BITE, SCHIZOPHRENIA, LUPUS,EXTERNAL INFECTION, COMMON COLD, JOINT PAIN, EPILEPSY,STROKE,TUBERCULOSIS ,STOMACH DISEASE. ECZEMA, PROGENITOR, EATING DISORDER, LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION,  DIABETICS,HERPES,HIV/AIDS, ;ALS,  CANCER , MENINGITIS,HEPATITIS A AND B,ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, CHRONIC DISEASE. NAUSEA VOMITING OR DIARRHEA,KIDNEY DISEASE. HEARING  LOSSDr Akhigbe is a good man and he heal anybody that comes to him. here is email    and his Number +2349010754824

  91. Hello, everyone! I,m here to explore blogs and forum about wonderful and most safe cure for (Herpes Virus).I was positive to the deadly virus called herpes and i lost hope because i was out casted and rejected even by my closet friends.i searched on-line to know and make enquirer about cure for Herpes and i read someone testimony on how he was cured from Herpes so i decided to contact the same herbal doctor because i know that nature has the power to heal everything.i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will heal me with the natural herbs from God!after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via DHL and it got to me after 3 days!i used the med as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured!it's really like a dream but i am so happy!That's the reason I decided to also add more comments from Him so that more can be saved just like me And if you need His help, you can contact him on whatsapp for fast response +2348180828544 or visit his website

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