

4 Jun 2012

My Beauty Diary- chocolate truffle mask

Rating: 7/10

 cotton fiber mask 

I am a big fan of the 'black pearl 'beauty diary masks so I thought I'll give this a try to see if it's as good.
The recommended leave-on time for the mask is 20mins but I have noticed that the results were more noticeable if it is left longer so I have left it for 1hour.
The results were quite noticeable because you instantly get the glowing look from the moisturising/hydration properties and the essence have absorbed fully. However My all time favourites would still be the Black Pearl mask because I feel that the results were more dramatic and the smell was more pleasant.

Smell: The smell of this mask was seriously very chocolatey....yes no joke, its like having a full bar of chocolate melted on your face.
Consistency: As you could could see from my pictures it is a very thin piece of cotton so please treat it with care  (I swear it was thicker a year ago in other packs)

Repurchase: Sorry but I would still go for the black pearl mask but these masks are well worth for the price

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